Journal papers |
1 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and K. Mulder,
"The preparation of lithium-drifted semiconductor nuclear particle detectors",
Nuclear Instruments and Methods 21, 97-100 (1963). |
2 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, R.F. Rumphorst and L.A.Ch. Koerts,
"Particle identification by pulse shape discrimination in the p-i-n type semiconductor detector",
Nuclear Instruments and Methods 22,
189-200 (1963). |
3 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Recovery behavior of Si(Li) junctions after gamma irradiation",
Journal of Applied Physics 39, 6023-6028 (1968). |
4 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and W.E. van der Vliet,
"Lithium-boron ion pairing in silicon",
Physical Review Letters 23, 470-472 (1969). |
5 |
W.H. Kool, J.J. Goedbloed and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
Gamma irradiation of lithium-drifted silicon",
Journal of Applied Physics 42, 2024-2030 (1971). |
6 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and W.E. van der Vliet,
The impurities lithium and boron in silicon: ion pairing and ground state degeneracy",
Crystal Lattice Defects 3, 47-53 (1972). |
7 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and G.D. Watkins,
"Electron-paramagnetic-resonance detection of optically
induced divacancy alignment in silicon", Physical Review B 5, 3988-3993 (1972). |
8 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The use of ENDOR in solid-state spectroscopy",
Atomic Energy Review 12,
743-761 (1974). |
9 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and A. van der Wiel,
"The divacancy in silicon: spin-lattice relaxation and passage effects in electron paramagnetic resonance",
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 21, 387-396 (1976). |
10 |
J.G. de Wit, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Divacancy in silicon: hyperfine interactions from electron-nuclear double resonance measurements", Physical Review B 14, 3494-3503 (1976). |
11 |
S.H. Muller, M. Sprenger, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"EPR spectra of heat-treatment centers in oxygen-rich silicon",
Solid State Communications 25, 987-990 (1978). |
12 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J.C. Wolfrat,
"Extended-Hückel-theory calculations for the positive divacancy
in silicon",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 89, 85-94 (1978). |
13 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J.C. Wolfrat,
"Magnetic dipole-dipole hyperfine integrals for Slater-type
Physica Status Solidi (b) 89, 541-546 (1978). |
14 |
E.G. Sieverts, S.H. Muller and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Divacancy in silicon:
hyperfine interactions from electron-nuclear double-resonance measurements. II",
Physical Review B 18, 6834-6848 (1978). |
15 |
R.H. van der Linde and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Optically induced divacancy reorientations in silicon",
Semiconductors and Insulators 4, 139-150 (1978). |
16 |
E.G. Sieverts, S.H. Muller and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"On the production of paramagnetic defects in
silicon by electron irradiation",
Solid State Communications 28, 221-225 (1978). |
17 |
L.J. van Ruyven and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron trapping in neutron transmutation doped silicon",
Applied Physics Letters 34, 632-634 (1979). |
18 |
C. Weigel and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Iterative EHT calculations for the positive divacancy in silicon",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 94, 505-16 (1979). |
19 |
E.A. Burgemeister and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"High-temperature thermal conductivity of
electron-irradiated diamond",
Physical Review B 21, 2499-2505 (1980). |
20 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E.A. Burgemeister,
"Reorientations of nitrogen in diamond",
Industrial Diamond Review 40, 128-132 (1980). |
21 |
E.A. Burgemeister, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and G. Davies,
"Thermal and optical measurements on vacancies in type IIa diamond",
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 13, L691-L695 (1980). |
22 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E.A. Burgemeister,
"Reorientation of nitrogen in type-Ib diamond by thermal excitation and tunneling",
Physical Review Letters 47, 954-957 (1981). |
23 |
R.L. Kleinhenz, Y.H. Lee, J.W. Corbett, E.G. Sieverts, S.H. Muller and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"EPR observation of an Au-Fe complex in silicon. I. Experimental data",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 108,
363-371 (1981). |
24 |
E.G. Sieverts, S.H. Muller, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, R.L. Kleinhenz and J.W. Corbett,
"EPR observation of an Au-Fe Complex in silicon. II. Electronic structure",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 109, 83-94 (1982). |
25 |
S.H. Muller, G.M. Tuynman, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance on iron-related centers in silicon",
Physical Review B 25, 25-40 (1982). |
26 |
E.G. Sieverts, S.H. Muller, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E.R. Weber,
"Hyperfine interactions from EPR of iron in silicon",
Solid State Communications 47, 631-634 (1983). |
27 |
J.J. van Kooten, G.A. Weller and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance on iron-acceptor pairs in silicon",
Physical Review B 30, 4564-4570 (1984). |
28 |
M. Sprenger, E.G. Sieverts, S.H. Muller and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance
of a nitrogen-related centre in electron irradiated silicon",
Solid State Communications 51, 951-955 (1984). |
29 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and R. van Kemp,
"Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in semiconducting diamond",
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 18, 2623-2629 (1985). |
30 |
D.A. van Wezep, R. van Kemp, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-nuclear double resonance of titanium in silicon: 29Si ENDOR",
Physical Review B 32, 7129-7138 (1985). |
31 |
D.A. van Wezep, T. Gregorkiewicz, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Spin delocalization of interstitial iron in silicon",
Physical Review B 34, 4511-4520 (1986). |
32 |
M. Sprenger, S.H. Muller, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Vacancy in silicon: hyperfine interactions from electron-nuclear double resonance measurements", Physical Review B 35,
1566-1581 (1987). |
33 |
M. Sprenger, R. van Kemp, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electronic and atomic structure of the boron-vacancy complex in silicon",
Physical Review B 35, 1582-1592 (1987). |
34 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, D.A. van Wezep, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"EPR studies of heat-treatment centers in p-type silicon",
Physical Review B 35, 3810-3817 (1987). |
35 |
J.J. van Kooten, D. van Kootwijk and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Self-ENDOR of vanadium in silicon",
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 20, 841-847 (1987). |
36 |
J.J. van Kooten, T. Gregorkiewicz, A.J. Blaakmeer and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photoluminescence on oxygen-rich acceptor-doped silicon",
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 20, 2183-2191 (1987). |
37 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, D.A. van Wezep, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Oxygen incorporation in thermal-donor centers in silicon",
Physical Review Letters 59, 1702-1705 (1987). |
38 |
R. van Kemp, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-nuclear double resonance of interstitial chromium in silicon",
Physical Review B 36, 3528-3541 (1987). |
39 |
H.H.P.Th. Bekman, T. Gregorkiewicz, D.A. van Wezep and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-paramagnetic-resonance study of heat-treatment centers in n-type silicon",
Journal of Applied
Physics 62, 4404-4405 (1987). |
40 |
J.J. van Kooten, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of an
Fe-Fe pair in silicon",
Solid State Communications 64, 1489-1494 (1987). |
41 |
A.B. van Oosten and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Paramagnetic resonance of a Se-Al complex in silicon",
Solid State Communications 65, 1039-1044 (1988). |
42 |
D.A. van Wezep and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-nuclear double resonance of titanium in silicon:
47Ti and 49Ti ENDOR",
Physical Review B 37, 7268-7275 (1988). |
43 |
J.J. van Kooten, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-nuclear double resonance of interstitial positively charged iron in silicon",
Physical Review B 37, 8949-8957 (1988). |
44 |
H.H.P.Th. Bekman, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Si-NL10: paramagnetic acceptor state
of the silicon thermal donor",
Physical Review Letters 61, 227-230 (1988). |
45 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Microscopic structure of the NL10
heat-treatment center in silicon: study by electron-nuclear double resonance",
Physical Review B 38, 3998-4015 (1988). |
46 |
A.B. van Oosten and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Sulfur pair in silicon: 33S electron-nuclear double
Physical Review B 38, 13291-13296 (1988). |
47 |
R. van Kemp, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Oxygen-vacancy complex in silicon. I. 29Si electron-nuclear double resonance",
Physical Review B 40, 4037-4053 (1989). |
48 |
R. van Kemp, M. Sprenger, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Oxygen-vacancy complex in
silicon. II. 17O electron-nuclear double resonance",
Physical Review B 40, 4054-4061 (1989). |
49 |
H.H.P.Th. Bekman, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Silicon electron-nuclear double-resonance study of the NL10 heat-treatment center",
Physical Review B 39, 1648-1658 (1989). |
50 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and A.B. van Oosten,
"Electronic structure of platinum in silicon",
Physica Scripta
T 25, 342-347 (1989). |
51 |
L.S. Vlasenko, Nguyên Tiên Són, A.B. van Oosten, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, A.A. Lebedev, E.S. Taptygov and V.A. Khramtsov,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of nickel in silicon. I. Identification of
Solid State Communications 73, 393-398 (1990). |
52 |
E.G. Sieverts, M. Sprenger and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Chain character of vacancy-type defects in
Physical Review B 41, 8630-8642 (1990). |
53 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Comparative study of Si-NL8 and
Si-NL10 thermal-donor-related EPR centers",
Physical Review B 41, 12628-12636 (1990). |
54 |
H.E. Altink, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of zinc
doped silicon",
Solid State Communications 75, 115-120 (1990). |
55 |
A.A. Ezhevski and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron spin resonance of FeFeB complexes in silicon",
Soviet Physics Semiconductors 24, 851-853 (1990). |
56 |
H.H.P.Th. Bekman, T. Gregorkiewicz, I.F.A. Hidayat, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and P. Clauws,
"Metastable thermal donor states in germanium: identification by electron paramagnetic resonance", Physical Review B 42, 9802-9809 (1990). |
57 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Optically detected magnetic resonance studies of neutron-transmutation-doped GaP",
Journal of Applied Physics
69, 689-694 (1991). |
58 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, M. Godlewski, A. Stapor, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, J. Weber,
M. Moser and F. Scholz,
"Optically detected microwave-induced impact ionization of ytterbium bound excitons in InP",
Applied Physics Letters 58, 2237-2239 (1991). |
59 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Neutron transmutation doping of GaP: optical studies",
Applied Surface Science 50, 245-248 (1991). |
60 |
S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Interstitial Mn
as a new donor in GaP and GaAs: an EPR study",
Applied Surface Science 50, 273-276 (1991). |
61 |
S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Magnetic-resonance studies of interstitial Mn in GaP and GaAs",
Physical Review B 44, 3012-3019 (1991). |
62 |
N. T. Son, A.B. van Oosten and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of nickel in silicon. II. Hyperfine and quadrupole interactions",
Solid State Communications 80, 439-445 (1991). |
63 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Optically detected Auger recombinations in erbium- and ytterbium-doped InP",
Applied Physics Letters 59, 3279-3281 (1991). |
64 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, N.T. Son and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Nuclear interactions
of defects in semiconductors - magnetic resonance measurements",
Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research B63, 154-162 (1992). |
65 |
A.A. Ezhevskii, N.T. Son and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of FeFeAl complexes in silicon",
Solid State Communications 81, 955-959 (1992). |
66 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, W. Knap, L.C. Brunel and G. Martinez, "High-resolution EPR spectroscopy of the Si-NL10 thermal donor",
Physical Review B 45, 5873-5878 (1992). |
67 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, W. Knap, H.H.P.Th. Bekman, L.C. Brunel, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and G. Martinez, "High-field EPR spectroscopy of thermal donors in silicon",
Physica B 177, 476-480 (1992). |
68 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photoluminescence studies on
thermal donors in boron- and aluminum-doped silicon",
Physical Review B 46, 2034-2040 (1992). |
69 |
N.T. Son, V.E. Kustov, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-paramagnetic-resonance identification of silver centers in silicon",
Physical Review B 46, 4544-4550 (1992). |
70 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Aluminum incorporation in the Si-NL10 thermal donor",
Physical Review B 46, 4582-4589 (1992). |
71 |
H.E. Altink, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Sensitive electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer for studying defects in semiconductors", Review of Scientific Instruments 63,
5742-5749 (1992). |
72 |
N.T. Son, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Paramagnetic state of the isolated gold impurity
in silicon",
Physical Review Letters 69, 3185-3188 (1992). |
73 |
N.T. Son, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in
silver-doped silicon",
Journal of Applied Physics 73, 1797-1801 (1993). |
74 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photoluminescence of silicon thermal donors",
Physical Review B 47, 7005-7012 (1993). |
75 |
S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, M. Godlewski, R.R. Galazka, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and N.T. Khoi,
"Optically detected magnetic resonance of Cd0.905Mn0.095Te",
Physical Review B 48, 11767-11771 (1993). |
76 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and Yu.V. Gorelkinskii,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of molecular hydrogen in silicon",
Physical Review Letters 71, 117-120 (1993). |
77 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and Yu.V. Gorelkinskii,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance study of the NL51 spectrum in hydrogen-implanted silicon",
Solid State Communications 90, 401-404 (1994). |
78 |
S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, A.A. Ezhevskii, N.T. Son, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Ligand ENDOR on substitutional manganese in GaAs",
Physical Review B 49, 10999-11004 (1994). |
79 |
M. Höhne, U. Juda, Yu.V. Martynov, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and L.S. Vlasenko,
"EPR spectroscopy of platinum-hydrogen complexes in silicon",
Physical Review B 49, 13423-13429 (1994). |
80 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of molecular hydrogen in silicon",
Physical Review Letters 73, 1457 (1994). |
81 |
I. Tsimperidis, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, M. Godlewski, F. Scholz and B. Lambert,
"Role of electron traps in the excitation and de-excitation mechanism of Yb3+ in InP",
Journal of
Applied Physics 77, 1523-1530 (1995). |
82 |
Yu.V. Martynov, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Role of hydrogen in the formation and structure of the Si-NL10 thermal donor",
Physical Review Letters 74, 2030-2033 (1995). |
83 |
I.S. Zevenbergen, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron-paramagnetic-resonance identification of hydrogen-passivated sulfur centers in silicon", Physical Review B 51, 16746-16749 (1995). |
84 |
L.S. Vlasenko, Yu.V. Martynov, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance versus spin-dependent recombination: excited triplet states of structural defects in irradiated silicon",
Physical Review B 52, 1144-1151 (1995). |
85 |
B.Pajot, E. Artacho, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J.-M. Spaeth,
"Interstitial O isotope effects in silicon",
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7, 7077-7085 (1995). |
86 |
R.C. Newman, J.H. Tucker, N.G. Semaltianos, E.C. Lightowlers, T. Gregorkiewicz, I.S. Zevenbergen and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Infrared absorption in silicon from shallow thermal donors incorporating hydrogen and a link to the NL10 paramagnetic resonance spectrum",
Physical Review B 54,
R6803-R6806 (1996). |
87 |
A.A. Ezhevskii, S.J.H.M. van Gisbergen and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Anomalous excitation in the ESR spectrum of the Fe3+ Ion in GaAs",
Semiconductors 30, 552-555 (1996). |
88 |
P.N. Hai, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and D.T. Don,
"Electron-paramagnetic-resonance study of silver-induced defects in silicon",
Physical Review B 56, 4614-4619 (1997). |
89 |
P.N. Hai, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and D.T. Don,
"Copper-related defects in silicon: electron-paramagnetic-resonance identification",
Physical Review B 56, 4620-4625 (1997). |
90 |
A.T. Collins, H. Kanda, J. Isoya, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J.A. van Wijk,
"Correlation between optical absorption and EPR in high-pressure diamond grown from a nickel solvent catalyst",
and Related Materials 7, 333-338 (1998). |
91 |
Ruud Dirksen, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Individual thermal donor species studied
with high-field magnetic resonance",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 210, 539-543 (1998). |
92 |
B.J. Pawlak, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Confinement effects of phosphorus donors embedded in silicon microcrystals",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 210, 631-634 (1998). |
93 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Shallow thermal donors in c-Si",
Properties of Crystalline Silicon, edited by R.N. Hull, EMIS Datareview Series No. 20 (INSPEC,
The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, UK, 1999), pp. 659-662. |
94 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Thermal double donors in c-Si",
Properties of Crystalline Silicon, edited by R.N. Hull, EMIS Datareview Series No. 20 (INSPEC,
The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, UK, 1999), pp. 663-668. |
95 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Double donors and acceptors in c-Si",
Properties of Crystalline Silicon, edited
by R.N. Hull, EMIS Datareview Series No. 20 (INSPEC,
The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, UK, 1999), pp. 669-675. |
96 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, D.T.X. Thao, T. Gregorkiewicz and N.A. Sobolev,
"Photoluminescence of
erbium-doped silicon: excitation power dependence",
Semiconductors 33, 598-602 (1999) [Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov 33, 644-648 (1999)]. |
97 |
P.T. Huy, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, T. Gregorkiewicz and D.T. Don,
"Hydrogen passivation of the selenium double donor in silicon - a study by magnetic resonance", Physical Review B 61, 7448-7458 (2000). |
98 |
D.T.X. Thao, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Photoluminescence of erbium-doped silicon: excitation power and temperature dependence",
Journal of Applied Physics 88, 1443-1455 (2000). |
99 |
B.J. Pawlak, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, W. Takkenberg, F.D. Tichelaar and P.F.A. Alkemade,
"Experimental investigation of band structure modification in silicon nanocrystals",
Physical Review B 64, 115308, pp. 1–9 (2001). |
100 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and I. de Maat-Gersdorf,
"Zeeman splitting factor of the Er3+ ion in a crystal field",
Applied Magnetic Resonance 21, 13–33 (2001). |
101 |
V.B. Shmagin, B.A. Andreev, A.V. Antonov, Z.F. Krasil'nik, V.P. Kuznetsov, O.A. Kuznetsov, E.A. Uskova, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and G. Pensl,
"Electrically active centers in Si:Er light-emitting layers
grown by sublimation molecular-beam epitaxy", Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov 36, 178–182
(2002), Semiconductors 36, 171-175 (2002). |
102 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"g Tensor of Er3+ centers in axial symmetry",
EPR in the 21st Century, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002), pp. 33–38. |
103 |
P.T. Huy and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Magnetic resonance investigation of gold-doped and
gold-hydrogen doped silicon",
Physical Review B 66, 165219-1/12 (2002). |
104 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, B.J. Pawlak and ISOLDE Collaboration,
"Nuclear conversion of 195AuFe into 195PtFe centers in silicon: observations by magnetic resonance",
Solid State Communications 124, 397-402 (2002). |
105 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Energy levels of rare-earth ions in crystal lattice sites of cubic symmetry",
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics 6, 28–31 (2003). |
106 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Spin Hamiltonian for the substitutional negative platinum ion in silicon",
Unpublished, pp. 1-36 (2004). |
107 |
D.V. Guseinov, A.A. Ezhevskii and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The contribution of 29Si ligand superhyperfine interactions to the line width of paramagnetic
centers in silicon",
Physica B 381, 164-167 (2006). |
108 |
D.V. Guseinov, A.A. Ezhevskii and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"EPR line width and spin-relaxation rates of shallow and deep donors in isotopically controlled
Physica B 395, 65-68 (2007). |
Papers in Conference Proceedings |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, H.J. Hofer and G.W. Rathenau,
"Magnetic measurement of low temperature recovery after plastic deformation",
Solid State Physics in Electronics and Telecommunications (Academic, London, 1960), pp. 231-234.
2 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Shaping of p-i-n detector pulses by RC networks",
Extrait des Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 10, 211-220 (1964). |
3 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Gamma Irradiation of lithium drifted p-i-n junctions in silicon",
Effets des Rayonnements sur les Semiconducteurs (Dunod, Paris, 1965), pp. 295-302. |
4 |
J.G. de Wit and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance on divacancies in phosphorus-implanted silicon",
Ion Implantation in Semiconductors (Springer, Berlin, 1971), pp. 39-46. |
5 |
J.G. de Wit, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E.G. Sieverts,
"An ENDOR study of the divacancy in silicon",
Lattice Defects in Semiconductors 1974 (Institute of Physics, London, 1975), pp. 178-184. |
6 |
E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of new defects in heavily phosphorus-doped silicon after
electron irradiation", Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1976 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1977), pp. 213-220. |
7 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and C. Weigel,
"Extended-Hückel-theory calculation of hyperfine interactions of the positive divacancy in silicon", Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1976 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1977), pp. 448-457. |
8 |
C. Weigel und C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Iterative LCAO-Rechnungen für die Positiv geladene Doppelleerstelle in Silizium",
Verhandlungen DPG (VI) 13, 161-162 (1978). |
9 |
R.H. van der Linde and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Reorientations of divacancies in silicon",
Defects and Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1978 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1979), pp. 242-247. |
10 |
S.H. Muller, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"An EPR observation of changes in heat-treatment centres in oxygen-rich silicon",
Defects and Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1978 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1979),
pp. 297-302. |
11 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and L.J. van Ruyven,
"An EPR study of substitutional phosphorus in neutron transmutation doped silicon",
European Solid State Device Research Conference 1978, pp. 360-362. |
12 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E.A. Burgemeister,
"Stress-induced reorientations of nitrogen in diamond",
Proceedings Diamond Conference, Cambridge, U.K. (1979), pp. 27-29. |
13 |
E.A. Burgemeister and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Thermal conductivities of electron irradiated diamonds",
Proceedings Diamond Conference, Cambridge, U.K. (1979), pp. 66-68. |
14 |
S.H. Muller, H.G. Arnold, J.J. de Graaf, G.M. Tuynman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Defects in electron-irradiated iron-doped silicon",
Radiation Physics of Semiconductors and Related Materials (Tbilisi State University Press,
Tbilisi, 1980), pp. 288-295. |
15 |
E.A. Burgemeister, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and G. Davies,
"Thermal and optical measurements on vacancies in type IIa diamond",
Proceedings Diamond Conference, Bristol, U.K. (1980), pp. 23-24. |
16 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E.A. Burgemeister,
"The Jahn-Teller effect of nitrogen in diamond",
Proceedings Diamond Conference, Bristol, U.K. (1980), pp. 50-51. |
17 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of native defects in diamond",
Defects and Radiation Effects in Semiconductors 1980 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1981), pp. 81-94. |
18 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of boron in diamond",
Proceedings Diamond Conference, Reading, U.K. (1981), pp. 33-34. |
19 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Centra in halfgeleiders",
FOM Jaarboek 1982, pp. 159-165. |
20 |
M. Sprenger, S.H. Muller and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The negatively charged vacancy in silicon: hyperfine interactions from ENDOR measurements",
Physica 116B, 224-229 (1983). |
21 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Defect complexing in iron-doped silicon",
Defect Complexes in Semiconductor Structures (Springer, Berlin, 1983), pp. 111-119. |
22 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Deep-level defects in semiconductors: studies by magnetic resonance",
Revista Brasileira de Fisica, Volume Especial 1983, pp. 104-135. |
23 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and R. van Kemp,
"Linewidth studies on the C:B electron paramagnetic resonance",
Proceedings Diamond Conference, Cambridge, U.K. (1983), pp. 96-101. |
24 |
R. van Kemp and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance on shallow acceptor impurities in silicon",
Solid State Communications 53, 1135-1136 (1985). |
25 |
M. Sprenger, R. van Kemp, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron nuclear double resonance of the boron-vacancy complex in silicon",
Journal of Electronic Materials 14a, 815-822 (1985). |
26 |
D.A. van Wezep and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance of titanium in silicon",
Journal of Electronic Materials 14a, 863-868 (1985). |
27 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, M. Sprenger, R. van Kemp and D.A. van Wezep,
"Defect identification in silicon using electron nuclear double resonance",
Microscopic Identification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1985), pp. 227-235. |
28 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J.J. van Kooten,
"Electronic ground state of iron-acceptor pairs in silicon",
Microscopic Identification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1985), pp. 525-531. |
29 |
T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Oxygen related mechanism of reverse annealing for boron implants in silicon",
Radiation Effects Letters 85, 249-254 (1985). |
30 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, J.J. van Kooten and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Thermal donors in boron-implanted Cz-silicon. Photoluminescence studies",
Acta Physica Polonica A 69, 389-392 (1986). |
31 |
E.G. Sieverts, D.A. van Wezep, R. van Kemp and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electrons of 3d transition metals in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 10-12, 729-734 (1986). |
32 |
R. van Kemp, E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The electronic structure of the oxygen-vacancy complex in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 10-12, 875-880 (1986). |
33 |
D.A. van Wezep, T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Oxygen ENDOR of thermal donors in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 10-12, 1009-1014 (1986). |
34 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, M. Sprenger and E.G. Sieverts,
"Identification of defects in silicon by EPR and ENDOR - the vacancy in silicon",
Defects in Crystals (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987), pp. 173-195. |
35 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Transition metal impurities in silicon",
New Developments in Semiconductor Physics (Springer, Berlin, 1988), pp. 244-261. |
36 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Oxygen-related thermal donors in silicon",
Defects in Crystals (World Scientific, Singapore, 1988), pp. 239-261. |
37 |
A.B. van Oosten, N. T. Son, L.S. Vlasenko and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The electronic structure of platinum, palladium and nickel in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 38-41, 355-359 (1989). |
38 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Heat-treatment centres and thermal donors in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 38-41, 595-599 (1989). |
39 |
H.H.P.Th. Bekman, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The NL10 thermal donor in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 38-41, 601-605 (1989). |
40 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Oxygen aggregation in silicon - EPR and ENDOR studies",
Acta Physica Polonica A 75, 89-100 (1989). |
41 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, T. Gregorkiewicz and H.H.P.Th. Bekman,
"The structure of the NL10 thermal donor in silicon",
Shallow Impurities in Semiconductors 1988 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1989), pp. 191-200. |
42 |
E.G. Sieverts and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Distant dipole-dipole interactions and the structure of defects and impurities in silicon",
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 111 & 112, 13-27 (1989). |
43 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Formation and structure of iron-impurity complexes in silicon",
Solid State Phenomena 6 & 7, 591-602 (1989). |
44 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and A.B. van Oosten,
"Complex formation of transition element impurities in silicon",
Defect Control in Semiconductors (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990), pp. 279-290. |
45 |
H.E. Altink, N.T. Bagraev, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Metastability of zinc-related centres in silicon: photo-EPR study",
The Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1990), pp. 589-592. |
46 |
N.T. Bagraev, H.H.P.Th. Bekman, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photo-EPR investigations of thermal donors in silicon",
Acta Physica Polonica A 79, 397-400 (1991). |
47 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and E. Goldys,
"Neutron transmutation doped GaP: optically detected magnetic resonance studies",
Acta Physica Polonica A 79, 401-404 (1991). |
48 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Optical absorption of doped semiconductors",
Semiconductors and Rare Earth Based Materials (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991), pp. 3-17. |
49 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and H.E. Altink,
"Zinc and zinc-impurity pairs in silicon",
Solid State Phenomena 19&20, 639-650 (1991). |
50 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.E. Altink and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Characterization of defect centres in semiconductors by advanced ENDOR techniques",
Acta Physica Polonica A 80, 161-170 (1991). |
51 |
B.J. Heijmink Liesert, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Silicon thermal donors: photoluminescence and magnetic resonance study of boron- and aluminum-doped silicon",
Materials Science Forum 83-87, 407-412 (1992). |
52 |
M. Godlewski, B.J. Heijmink Liesert, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Optically detected cyclotron resonance studies of erbium and ytterbium doped InP",
Materials Science Forum 83-87, 683-688 (1992). |
53 |
S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, A.A. Ezhevskii, M. Godlewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Interstitial and substitutional Mn in GaAs and GaP: magnetic resonance studies",
Materials Science Forum 83-87, 701-706 (1992). |
54 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electron paramagnetic resonance study of new centres in SiC",
Materials Science and Engineering B11, 35-38 (1992). |
55 |
H.E. Altink, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Donor-acceptor pairs in silicon",
Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Growth, Processing and Device Technology (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1992), pp. 525-536. |
56 |
M. Godlewski, M. Surma, R.R. Galazka, N.T. Khoi, S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen, T. Gregorkiewicz
and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Mechanism of optical detection of magnetic resonance in Cd1-xMnxTe",
Acta Physica Polonica A 82, 717-720 (1992). |
57 |
L.S. Vlasenko, Yu.V. Martynov, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photo-electrical EPR of the excited triplet states of structural defects in irradiated silicon",
The Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), pp. 1641-1644. |
58 |
N.T. Son, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Identification of paramagnetic silver centres in silicon",
The Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), pp. 1685-1688. |
59 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Electronic states of thermal donors in semiconductors",
Materials Science Forum 117-118, 9-16 (1993). |
60 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, W. Knap, L.C. Brunel and G. Martinez,
"High-resolution EPR spectroscopy of the Si-NL10 thermal donor",
Materials Science Forum 117-118, 521-522 (1993). |
61 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, B.J. Heijmink Liesert, I. Tsimperidis, I. de Maat-Gersdorf, C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
M. Godlewski and F. Scholz,
"Excitation and de-excitation mechanisms of rare-earth ions in III-V compounds: optically detected microwave-induced impact ionization of Yb dopant in InP",
Rare-Earth Doped Semiconductors (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1993), pp. 239-250. |
62 |
I. de Maat-Gersdorf, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photoluminescence study of the 779-meV band in silver-doped silicon",
Materials Science Forum 143-147, 755-759 (1994). |
63 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and Yu.V. Gorelkinskii,
"EPR identification of hydrogen molecules in bulk silicon",
Materials Science Forum 143-147, 853-860 (1994). |
64 |
M. Höhne, U. Juda, Yu.V. Martynov, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and L.S. Vlasenko,
"EPR study of platinum-hydrogen complexes in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 143-147, 1659-1663 (1994). |
65 |
I. de Maat-Gersdorf, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Pseudodonor character of silver in silicon",
Journal of Luminescence 60&61, 556-558 (1994). |
66 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Trapping of molecular hydrogen in porous silicon and at Si/SiO2 interfaces and a possible reinterpretation of the Pb center",
Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials Processing (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1994), pp. 385-390. |
67 |
M. Godlewski, R.R. Galazka, I. Tsimperidis, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Free carriers heating at Mn2+ magnetic resonance in CdMnTe",
Acta Physica Polonica A 87, 177-180 (1995). |
68 |
P. Stallinga, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Investigation of the Si-NL52/Pb defect in bulk silicon",
The Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995), pp. 2235-2238. |
69 |
I. de Maat-Gersdorf, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and N.A. Sobolev,
"Photoluminescence measurements on erbium-doped silicon",
Semiconductor Science and Technology 10, 666-671 (1995). |
70 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, I.S. Zevenbergen, Yu.V. Martynov and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Paramagnetic state of hydrogen-passivated double-donor centers in silicon",
Acta Physica Polonica A 88, 735-738 (1995). |
71 |
M. Godlewski, B. Monemar, T.G. Anderson, I. Tsimperidis, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
J. Muszalski and M. Kaniewska,
"Optically detected cyclotron resonance studies of high electron mobility AlGaAs/GaAs structures",
Acta Physica Polonica A 88, 990-994 (1995). |
72 |
I. Tsimperidis, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Excitation of rare earths in semiconductors by the excitonic Auger recombination",
Materials Science Forum 196-201, 591-595 (1995). |
73 |
Yu.V. Martynov, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"ENDOR Identification of a hydrogen-passivated thermal donor",
Materials Science Forum 196-201, 849-853 (1995). |
74 |
I.S. Zevenbergen, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Hydrogen passivation of the sulfur double donor in silicon investigated by EPR and ENDOR",
Materials Science Forum 196-201, 855-859 (1995). |
75 |
D.T. Xuan Thao, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, N.N. Long, L.K. Binh, F.P. Widdershoven,
P. Christianen and J.C. Maan,
"Emitted light of erbium-doped float-zone silicon: a photoluminescence study",
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Materials Science (IWOMS'95), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 1995, pp. 561-564. |
76 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, Yu.V. Martynov, I.S. Zevenbergen and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Atomic and electronic structure of hydrogen-passivated double donors in silicon",
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Materials Science (IWOMS'95), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 1995, pp. 654-659. |
77 |
I.S. Zevenbergen, Yu.V. Martynov, F. Berg Rasmussen, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hydrogen-passivated double donors in silicon",
Materials Science and Engineering B36, 138-141 (1996). |
78 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, P.N. Hai and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Pseudo-Zeeman factors for transition ions in silicon",
Tenth Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of Crystals Activated by Rare-Earth and Transitional-Metal Ions, Alexandr I. Ryskin and Vadim F. Masterov, Editors, Proceedings SPIE, Volume 2706,
305-314 (1996) |
79 |
Yu.V. Martynov, I.S. Zevenbergen, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Hydrogen passivation of double donors in silicon",
Solid State Phenomena 47-48, 267-274 (1996). |
80 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, I.S. Zevenbergen, Yu.V. Martynov and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Magnetic resonance investigations of thermal donors in silicon",
Early Stages of Oxygen Precipitation in Silicon (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996), pp. 61-82. |
81 |
M. Godlewski, A. Wittlin, R.R. Galazka, B. Monemar, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
P.H.M. van Loosdrecht and J.A.A.J. Perenboom,
"Optically studied spin relaxation processes in CdMnTe",
The Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), pp. 393-396. |
82 |
I. Tsimperidis, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"The role of free carriers in the luminescence of rare earth ions in semiconducting hosts",
The Physics of Semiconductors (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), pp. 3057-3060. |
83 |
I. de Maat-Gersdorf, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, P.C.M. Christianen and J.C. Maan,
"The 4f intrashell transitions of ytterbium in indium phosphide",
Rare Earth Doped Semiconductors II (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 161-166. |
84 |
T. Gregorkiewicz, I. Tsimperidis, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, F.P. Widdershoven and N.A. Sobolev,
"Excitation and de-excitation of Yb3+ in InP and Er3+ in Si:
photoluminescence and
ionization studies",
Rare Earth Doped Semiconductors II (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 207-218. |
85 |
A.A. Ezhevskii and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Reactions of interstitial iron with shallow acceptors in silicon",
Shallow-Level Centers in Semiconductors, edited by C.A.J. Ammerlaan and B. Pajot (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1997), pp. 345-350. |
86 |
M. Bercu, I.S. Zevenbergen, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, T. Tate and E. Ivanov,
"Annealing behavior of crystalline silicon heavily implanted with oxygen at low temperature",
Shallow-Level Centers in Semiconductors, edited by C.A.J. Ammerlaan and B. Pajot (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1997), pp. 405-410. |
87 |
A.A. Ezhevskii and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"On the role of closely placed excited states in the anomalous behaviour of the spin system
Fe3+ in GaAs",
Shallow-Level Centers in Semiconductors, edited by C.A.J. Ammerlaan and B. Pajot (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1997), pp. 459-464. |
88 |
R.E. Pritchard, M.J. Ashwin, J.H. Tucker, R.C. Newman, E.C. Lightowlers, T. Gregorkiewicz, I.S. Zevenbergen, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, R. Falster and M.J. Binns,
"Shallow thermal donors associated with H, Al and N in annealed Czochralski silicon distinguished by infrared spectroscopy",
Semiconductor Science and Technology 12, 1404-1408 (1997). |
89 |
R. Dirksen, F. Berg Rasmussen, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"High-field EPR spectroscopy of thermal donors in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 258-263, 373-378 (1997). |
90 |
R.C. Newman, M.J. Ashwin, R.E. Pritchard, J.H. Tucker, E.C. Lightowlers, T. Gregorkiewicz,
I.S. Zevenbergen, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, R. Falster and M.J. Binns,
"Shallow thermal donors in annealed CZ silicon and links to the NL10 EPR spectrum: the relevance
of H, Al and N impurities",
Materials Science Forum 258-263, 379-384 (1997). |
91 |
P.N. Hai, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and D.T. Don,
"Isolated substitutional silver and silver-induced defects in silicon: an electron paramagnetic resonance investigation",
Materials Science Forum 258-263, 491-496 (1997). |
92 |
I. Tsimperidis, T. Gregorkiewicz, H.H.P.Th. Bekman, C.J.G.M. Langerak and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Photoluminescence study of erbium in silicon with a free-electron laser",
Materials Science Forum 258-263, 1497-1502 (1997). |
93 |
P. Kaczor, L. Dobaczewski, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Formation kinetics of the Al-related shallow thermal donors: a probe for oxygen diffusion in silicon",
Materials Science Forum 258-263, 1761-1766 (1997). |
94 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, I.S. Zevenbergen and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Passivation of electronic centres in silicon by hydrogen",
Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1998), pp. 531-538. |
95 |
J. Bollmann, S. Lindner, E. Alves, J. Soares, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, M. Deicher, M.H. Knopf, R. Magerle, A. Stötzler, M.O. Henry, E. McGlynn, A. Burchard, D. Forkel-Wirth, M. Fanciulli and G. Weyer,
"Identification of deep states from Au/Pt/Ir/Os impurities in silicon using radioactive transmutation",
The Physics of Semiconductors, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999),
paper VIII-B-11, pp. 1-4 |
96 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan, D.T.X. Thao, T. Gregorkiewicz, B.A. Andreev and Z.F. Krasil'nik,
"Photoluminescence of erbium-doped silicon: temperature dependence",
Solid State Phenomena 69-70, 359-364 (1999). |
97 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and P.T. Huy,
"Atomic structure of chalcogen-hydrogen complexes in silicon",
Solid State Phenomena 69-70, 583-588 (1999). |
98 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and I. de Maat-Gersdorf,
"Spectroscopy of rare-earth doped semiconductors: energy levels of ytterbium in indium phosphide",
Trends in Materials Science and Technology, edited by F.F. Bekker, N.D. Chien, J.J.M. Franse,
T.D. Hien, N.T. Hien and N.P. Thuy (Hanoi National University Publishing House, Hanoi, 1999),
pp. 22-27. |
99 |
P.T. Huy, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, T. Gregorkiewicz and D.T. Don,
"Hydrogen passivation of double donors in silicon: a comparison of selenium versus sulfur",
Trends in Materials Science and Technology, edited by F.F. Bekker, N.D. Chien, J.J.M. Franse,
T.D. Hien, N.T. Hien and N.P. Thuy (Hanoi National University Publishing House, Hanoi, 1999),
pp. 52-55. |
100 |
D.T.X. Thao, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Photoluminescence mechanism of erbium in silicon",
Trends in Materials Science and Technology, edited by F.F. Bekker, N.D. Chien, J.J.M. Franse,
T.D. Hien, N.T. Hien and N.P. Thuy (Hanoi National University Publishing House, Hanoi, 1999),
pp. 158-161. |
101 |
P.T. Huy, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"Atomic and electronic structure of hydrogen-passivated double selenium donors in silicon",
Physica B 273-274, 239-242 (1999). |
102 |
D.T.X. Thao, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and T. Gregorkiewicz,
"The photoluminescence mechanism of erbium in silicon: intensity dependence on excitation power and temperature",
Physica B 273-274, 338-341 (1999). |
103 |
N.T. Son, P.N. Hai, P.T. Huy, T. Gregorkiewicz, C.A.J. Ammerlaan, J.L. Lindström, W.M. Chen,
B. Monemar and E. Janzén,
"Electron-paramagnetic-resonance studies of defects in electron-irradiated p-type 4H and 6H SiC",
Physica B 273-274, 655-658 (1999). |
104 |
B.J. Pawlak, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Confinement effects on phosphorus donors embedded in silicon nanocrystals",
Physica B 273-274, 938-943 (1999). |
105 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and I. de Maat-Gersdorf,
"Energy levels of ytterbium in indium phosphide",
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, edited by V. Kumar and S.K. Agarwal (Allied Publishers Ltd,
New Delhi, 2000), pp. 119-126. |
106 |
B.J. Pawlak, T. Gregorkiewicz and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Alteration of band structure in Si nanocrystals",
Materials Science and Engineering C 15, 273-275 (2001). |
107 |
P.T. Huy and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Complexes of gold and platinum with hydrogen in silicon",
Physica B 302-303, 233-238 (2001). |
108 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Shallow-level centers in semiconductors - 2000",
Physica B 302-303, 425-434 (2001). |
109 |
V.V. Emtsev, Jr., C.A.J. Ammerlaan, B.A. Andreev, V.V. Emtsev,
G.A. Oganesyan, A. Misiukand
C.A. Londos,
"Early stages of oxygen aggregation and thermal donors in silicon
annealed under hydrostatic pressure",
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 12, 223-225 (2001). |
110 |
V.V. Emtsev, Jr., C.A.J. Ammerlaan, B.A. Andreev, G.A. Oganesyan,
D.S. Poloskin and N.A. Sobolev,
"Shallow donors in silicon coimplanted with rare-earth ions and oxygen",
Physica B 308-310, 350-353 (2001). |
111 |
V.B. Shmagin, B.A. Andreev, E.N. Morozova, Z.F. Krasil'nik,
D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov,
E.A. Uskova, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and
G. Pensl,
"Electrically active centers in light emitting Si:Er/Si structures
grown by the sublimation MBE method",
Physica B 308-310, 361-364 (2001). |
112 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Spectroscopic characterisation of the erbium impurity in crystalline
Physica B 308-310, 387-390 (2001). |
113 |
P.T. Huy and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Electronic and atomic structure of transition-metal–hydrogen
complexes in silicon",
Physica B 308-310, 408-413 (2001). |
114 |
V.V. Emtsev, Jr., C.A.J. Ammerlaan, B.A. Andreev, G.A. Oganesyan,
D.S. Poloskin, E.I. Shek
and N.A. Sobolev,
"Thermal donors in silicon implanted with rare earth impurities",
Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 93-98 (2002). |
115 |
P.T. Huy and C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Hydrogen interaction with transition metals in silicon, studied by
electron paramagnetic resonance",
Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 133-138 (2002). |
116 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan and I. de Maat–Gersdorf,
"Spectroscopic characterisation of erbium impurity in crystalline
Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 657-662 (2002). |
117 |
P.T. Huy, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J. Weber,
"Hydrogen interaction with transition-metals impurities in silicon",
Physics and Engineering in Evolution (Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi, 2002), pp. 128-131. |
118 |
D.T.X. Thao, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and N.D. Chien,
"Photoluminescence mechanism of rare-earth erbium in silicon: influence of defect specifics and shallow centers",
Physics and Engineering in Evolution (Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi, 2002), pp. 293-296. |
119 |
V.V. Emtsev, Jr., C.A.J. Ammerlaan, V.V. Emtsev, G.A. Oganesyan, A. Misiuk, B. Surma,
A. Bukowski, C.A. Londos and M.S. Potsidi,
"Oxygen agglomeration and formation of oxygen-related thermal donors in heat-treated silicon",
Proceedings International Conference on Solid State Crystals, October 14-18, 2002, Zakopane, Poland. |
120 |
V.V. Emtsev, Jr., C.A.J. Ammerlaan, V.V. Emtsev, G.A. Oganesyan, B.A. Andreev, D.I. Kuritsyn,
A. Misiuk, B. Surma and C.A. Londos,
"Double thermal donors in Czochralski-grown silicon heat-treated under atmospheric and high hydrostatic pressures",
Physica Status Solidi (b) 235, 75-78 (2003). |
121 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Spectroscopic characterization of rare-earth impurities in crystals",
Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials, September 15-18, 2003, Constanta, Romania. |
122 |
C.A.J. Ammerlaan,
"Spectroscopic properties of rare-earth dopants in semiconductors",
International Conference on Physics of Laser Crystals, September 25-30, 2005, Yalta, Crimea. |
123 |
V.V. Emtsev Jr., C.A.J. Ammerlaan, A.A. Ezhevskii and A.V. Gusev,
"High-resolution magnetic-resonance spectroscopy of thermal donors in silicon",
Physica B 376-377, 45-49 (2006). |
124 |
P.T. Huy, V.V. Thu, N.D. Chien, C.A.J. Ammerlaan and J. Weber,
"Structural and optical properties of Si-nanoclusters embedded in silicon dioxide",
Physica B 376-377, 868-871 (2006). |