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PhD Promotions of the Research Group "Spectroscopy of Semiconductors"

No. Promotion date PhD student Title of thesis

1 16 April 1975 J.G. de Wit An ENDOR study of the divacancy in silicon

2 15 February 1978 E.G. Sieverts An EPR and ENDOR study on defects in silicon

3 26 March 1980 R.H. van der Linde Reorientation of the divacancy in sllicon and its spin-lattice relaxation time: An EPR experiment

4 6 May 1981 S.H.Muller An EPR study on clustering of iron and of oxygen in silicon

5 15 January 1986 M. Sprenger Magnetic resonance studies on defects in silicon

6 15 October 1986 D.A. van Wezep A magnetic resonance study of 3d transition metals and thermal donors in silicon

7 18 February 1987 J.J. van Kooten A magnetic resonance and photoluminescence study on point defects in silicon

8 30 June 1988 R. van Kemp Magnetic resonance studies of the oxygen-vacancy complex and interstitial chromium in silicon

9 20 June 1989 A.B. van Oosten Electronic structure of deep impurity centers in silicon

10 17 January 1991 H.H.P.Th. Bekman Oxygen aggregation in semiconductors - Study by magnetic resonance

11 5 June 1992 B.J. Heijmink Liesert Photoluminescence and optical double-resonance studies of selected defects in electronic materials

12 18 February 1993 S.J.C.H.M. van Gisbergen Magnetic resonance studies of 3d transition metal impurities in compound semiconductors

13 25 February 1993 H.E. Altink Magnetic resonance study of zinc-related defects in silicon with optimized EPR spectrometer

14 26 April 1993 Nguyen Tien Son Noble and transition metals in silicon - A study by magnetic resonance

15 14 June 1994 P. Stallinga Investigation of selected paramagnetic centers in semiconductors

16 20 February 1996 Yu.V. Martynov Paramagnetic centers in silicon studied by advanced EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy

17 20 May 1997 Pham Nguyen Hai Deep-level defects in silicon studied by DLTS and EPR spectroscopy

18 7 January 1998 I.S. Zevenbergen Spectroscopy of selected hydrogen-related centers in silicon

19 23 February 1998 I. Tsimperidis Photonic processes in semiconductors investigated by light emission

20 11 February 2000 Du Thi Xuan Thao Photoluminescence spectroscopy on erbium-doped and porous silicon

21 10 May 2001 I. Gersdorf Spectroscopic analysis of erbium-doped silicon and ytterbium-doped indium phosphide

22 26 november 2001 Pham Thanh Huy Hydrogen interaction with impurities in silicon

23 10 June 2004 B.J. Pawlak Investigation of defects in bulk and nanocrystalline silicon

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Master Graduations in the Research Group "Spectroscopy of Semiconductors"

No. Examination date Master student Title of thesis

1 September 1966 J.P. Woerdman Electrische en paramagnetische eigenschappen van Li in Si, voor en na bestralen met snelle electronen

2 December 1967 J.J. Goedbloed Gamma-bestraling van geïsoleerd lithium-gecompenseerd siicium

3 June 1968 P.G. Schipper Stralingsbeschadiging in n-type silicium door snelle

4 September 1969 J.G. de Wit Ionenimplantatie en channeling in silicium

5 24 June 1971 H.M. Heijne Onderzoek aan dunne lagen

6 1972 W.H. Kool Gamma irradiation of lithium-drifted silicon

7 27 september 1972 W.E. van der Vliet Lithium-boron ion pairing in silicon

8 9 May 1973 K. Benjamens Het bepalen van energienivo's van roosterfouten in geïmplanteerd silicium door middel van TSC metingen

9 April 1974 A. van der Wiel De spin-roosterrelaxatietijd van de dubbelvacature in siliicum

10 May 1975 W. van der Schaaf TSC metingen aan B++ geïmplanterd silicium

11 1975 C.L. Vlaanderen ESR-spectra van zwaar met phosphor verontreinigd silicium

12 1975 J.C. Wolfrat Theorie van electron paramagnetische resonantie met toepassing op de positieve dubbelvacature in silicium

13 1975 S.H. Muller De K-band spectrometer

14 26 October 1977 M. Sprenger De vorming van donorcentra in zuurstofhoudend silicium door warmtebehandeling: een ESR studie

15 1978 P.M. Kuin Elektronspinresonantie aan n-type germanium

16 23 May 1979 H.G. Arnold ESR aan ijzer in silicium I

17 23 May 1979 J.J. de Graaf ESR aan ijzer in silicium II

18 13 June 1979 P.J.J. Kok ESR metingen aan diamant met de X-band spectrometer

19 10 March 1982 R. van Kemp A search by EPR for hydrogen and shallow acceptors in silicon

20 22 June 1983 C. Jansen ESR metingen aan ijzer en antimoon in silicium

21 14 February 1984 G.A. Weller Het electron-spin-resonantie gedrag van ijzer-centra in silicium

22 27 March 1984 G.M. Tuynman Spin-Hamiltonians: theory and experiment

23 14 May 1985 G.R. Meijer Infra-rood spectroscopie aan zuurstof-houdend silicium

24 25 June 1985 D. van Kootwijk I. Luminescentie aan ingediffundeerde centra in silicium
II. Het ENDOR gedrag van vanadium-centra in silicium

25 22 April 1986 A.J. Blaakmeer The effect of ion-implantation on the formation of heat-treatment centres in acceptor-doped oxygen rich silicon

26 24 June 1986 H.H.P.Th. Bekman ESR measurements on heat-treated oxygen-rich silicon

27 3 July 1987 C.J.E. Jansen Op zoek naar NL30

28 31 August 1987 W. Harsono Het electron spin resonantie gedrag van borium in silicium

29 31 August 1988 R.J. de Geus Infrared absorption measurments on oxygen rich silicon

30 22 November 1988 P. Stallinga Magnetishe resonantie en digitale lock-in

31 9 January 1990 M. de Langen Optische meettechnieken en hun toepassing bij onderzoek aan halfgeleiders

32 24 April 1990 I.F.A. Hidayat I. Bistabiliteit van thermische donoren in silicium en germanium
II. Het "Savitzky-Golay" digital smoothing filter

33 30 August 1991 L. Rozing EPRLIB: De software bibliotheek
Deel I. De fysica

Deel II. De programmatuur

34 16 January 1993 B. van Dijk EPR studie van zink gerelateerde defecten in silicium

35 25 September 1995 I.H. Hagmusa Photoluminescence spectroscopy of a copper center in silicon

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